In conjunction with its sesquicentennial celebration, pg电子下载 State University is proud to recognize the scholarship of its published writers, including current students, alumni, current employees and former employees.
- Dana Bradford-Majors
- Jasmine Burrell
- Cedric Burrow
- LaToya Myles
- Carla Kirkland
- William Luse
- Dr. Josephine Posey
- Logan Wiedenfeld
- Heather Bailey
- Sean Daniels
- Erykuah McNeal
- Dexter Wakefield
- Dr. Paul Broome
- Adena Williams Loston
- Melerson Dunham
- Sydney Molaré
- Debarshi Roy
- Yulonda Eadie Sano
- John Plump
- Gwendolyn Boyd
- Joedy Barnes
- Willye Bryan
- Douglas Bender
- Kelvin Carter
- Ola Clark
- Bernice Coffey
- J. Janice Coleman
- Philondria Credit
- Tracy Daniel-Hardy
- Elvis Epps
- Breanna Fulton
- Doris Funches
- Vera Hall
- Angela Hamberlin
- Adolph Holbrook
- Jana Holmes-Moore
- Franklin D. Jackson
- D’Maarius Jones
- Duvalier Malone
- LaDonna Marie
- Glenda McBride
- Olivia McNeal
- Steffanie Miller
- Latissha Graves Nash
- Daphne Perry
- Katina Rankin
- Tywanna Robinson
- Fredricka Sharkey
- Rosie Spann-Johnson
- Eugene Spencer, Jr.
- Roshonda Gandy Stuckey
- Shimelle Thomas
- Verinda Waters
- Margaret Williams
- Twana Williams
- Earnest Young
- Margarett Wilson
- ReAnna S. Roby
- Allison Norman
- Jerry Domatob
- Tabitha Hardy
- Donzell Lee
- Kafond Wilder
- Tawana Williams
- Lillian Brady
- Jamey Jenkins
- Melanie McReynolds
- Linda Holloway
Dana Bradford-Majors
“Humans Can’t Fly” (Publisher: B. Majors Publishing; ISBN: 9781312679191)
“Because Big Boys Aren’t Afraid of Outer Space” (Publisher: B. Majors Publishing; ISBN: 9781716466625)
Humans Can’t Fly: P3 attempts to “fly” by jumping on his parents’ bed. After his mother tells him that humans CAN’T fly, P3 asks a series of questions that opens his mother’s eyes to an unnoticed truth: Humans CAN, in fact, FLY.
Big Boys Aren’t Afraid of Outer Space: After a long day of work and play, P3 and his mother talk about traveling to a far-away place! As the night continues, they discover where P3’s imagination takes them!
Jasmine Burrell
“KAT8, lysine acetyltransferase 8, is required for adipocyte differentiation in vitro.” (Publisher: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease; ISBN: PMC8026702)
KAT8 is a lysine acetyltransferase (KAT) that plays a role in a variety of cellular functions ranging from DNA damage repair to apoptosis. The role of KAT8 in adipocyte development and function has not been studied. Notably, a large genome-wide association study identified KAT8 as part of a novel locus that significantly contributed to body mass index and other metabolic phenotypes. Hence, we examined the expression and regulation of KAT8 during adipocyte development. KAT8 mRNA and protein levels were examined over a time course of adipocyte development, and KAT8 was found to be present in both the cytosol and nucleus of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Although KAT8 expression was not highly regulated by adipogenesis, its expression was required for the adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells. Loss of KAT8 expression in preadipocytes inhibited their ability to differentiate as judged by both lipid accumulation and adipocyte marker gene expression. However, if KAT8 was knocked down after clonal expansion, its absence did not inhibit adipocyte differentiation. Also, loss of KAT8 in adipocytes did not impact lipid accumulation or the expression of adiponectin or other fat markers. Although our data demonstrate that KAT8 is required for adipocyte differentiation, further studies are necessary to determine the functions and regulation of KAT8 in adipose tissue.
Cedric Burrows
“Rhetorical Crossover: The Black Presence in White Culture” (Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press; ISBN: 822946203)
In music, crossover means that a song has moved beyond its original genre and audience into the general social consciousness. Rhetorical Crossover uses the same concept to theorize how the black rhetorical presence has moved in mainstream spaces in an era where African Americans were becoming more visible in white culture. Cedric Burrows argues that when black rhetoric moves into the dominant culture, white audiences appear welcoming to African Americans as long as they present an acceptable form of blackness for white tastes. The predominant culture has always constructed coded narratives on how the black rhetorical presence should appear and behave when in majority spaces. In response, African Americans developed their own narratives that revise and reinvent mainstream narratives while also reaffirming their humanity. Using an interdisciplinary model built from music, education, film, and social movement studies, Rhetorical Crossover details the dueling narratives about African Americans that percolate throughout the United States.
LaToya Myles
“Atmospheric ammonia measurements over a coastal salt marsh ecosystem along the Mid-Atlantic U.S.” (Publisher: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences;
Coastal wetlands such as salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses provide a natural environment for the sequestration and long-term storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. As a fertilizer, nitrogen (N) increases the vegetative growth and thus more CO2 may be fixed in plants as biomass representing the short-term storage pool of carbon, therefore reducing its atmospheric level. Salt marshes, in particular, have been identified as being highly effective at carbon sequestration as well as adsorbing and transforming nitrogen (N). However, there are limited atmospheric measurements of ammonia (NH3) concentrations and exchanges in coastal areas of the Eastern and Mid-Atlantic U.S. This pilot study represents one of the few atmospheric measurements of NH3 over temperate tidal salt marshes in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. The high temporal resolution measurements of NH3 concentrations indicated that local sources, such as agriculture and industry, may have a considerable impact on the local atmospheric NH3 concentrations. The results also show that tidal water levels in salt marshes may have a significant effect on NH3 emissions.
Carla Kirkland
“Praxis Core for Dummies” (Publisher: Wiley Publishing Company; ISBN: 1119620457)
Praxis Core for Dummies is a must have resource for preparing and passing the Praxis Core Examination. The best way to succeed on any exam is to prepare with plenty of practice questions. This book provides the user with two full length practice tests and access to four additional tests online.
William Luse
“How Organizational Justice and Support impact the Institutionalization of Ethics: The Roles of Supervisor Bottom-Line Mentality and Employee Neuroticism.” (Publisher: Current Psychology; Online ISSN: 1936-4733)
The purpose of our research was to enhance the literature on supervisor bottom-line mentality (BLM). Consistent with extant research, we position BLM as a problematic and undesirable attitude. We adopted a multi-methods approach. Findings from an experimental-causal-chain study and a multi-source field study demonstrate that perceived organizational justice (POJ) impacts supervisor BLM via the institutionalization of ethics. To explain our findings, we leveraged social information processing theory to argue POJ impacts supervisor BLM. Our rationale is that POJ creates workplace conditions that construct the belief that ethics are being institutionalized in the organization. In turn, once the institutionalization of ethics occurs, this reduces the development of BLM within supervisors. We argue that the institutionalization of ethics conveys that the sole pursuit of financial outcomes at the expense of other organizational members is viewed as an inappropriate attitude. We conclude by discussing implications, limitations, and future research.
“The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Concerns and Gender on Mentor Seeking Behavior and Self-Confidence.” (Publisher: Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion: An International Journal; ISSN: 2040-7149)
This study examined the effects of gender and pandemic concerns on mentorship seeking behavior during the pandemic caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and its relationship to self-efficacy. Women and those with higher levels of concern about the COVID-19 pandemic were more likely to seek mentorship. During this time of uncertainty role modeling was sought more than career support and psychosocial support. All three functions of mentorship seeking were positively associated with higher levels of self-efficacy.
Dr. Josephine Posey
“Against Great Odds: The History of pg电子下载 State University” (Publisher: University of Mississippi Press; ISBN: 0-87805-681-5)
“Succeeding Against Great Odds” (Publisher: University Press of Mississippi; ISBN: 978-1-4968-1020-5)
“pg电子下载 State University and the National Alumni Association – The College History Series” (Publisher: Arcadia Publishing; ISBN: 0-7385-0591-9)
Against Great Odds: The History of pg电子下载 State University updates the centennial history of pg电子下载 published in 1971 by showing how in the face of new challenges the university persists with its mission of educating citizens for the modern world. One of the chief struggles has been to maintain its distinctive identity as social and interracial changes confront long-established traditions and widescale community support. The history shows pg电子下载 State University not only in its rich heritage of public education as the first land-grant institutions for black students, but also in its struggles through the years to reach peaks of excellence in academic programs, in faculty development, in the enrichment of student life, and in its nationally renowned athletic programs that consistently bring pg电子下载 acclaim.
Succeeding Against Great Odds covers nearly a quarter of a century since Josephine McCann Posey’s first institutional history of pg电子下载, Against Great Odds: The History of pg电子下载 State University. This new book briefly summarizes the first 123 years of pg电子下载’s history. The volume then explores the tenure of three interim and/or acting presidents, Drs. Rudolph E. Waters Sr., Malvin A. Williams Sr., and Norris A. Edney Sr. (with Edney serving twice), and permanent presidents, Drs. Clinton Bristow Jr., George E. Ross, M. Christopher Brown II, and Alfred Rankins Jr., who have all served since Against Great Odds was published in 1994. This comprehensive narrative shows the university confidently advancing in the twenty-first century, proud of its distinctive heritage and intent on overcoming obstacles to continue a long tradition of excellence. Succeeding against Great Odds includes numerous appendices to document the illustrious history of pg电子下载, its accomplishments, and particularly the people who have shaped the institution.
pg电子下载 State University and the National Alumni Association – The College History Series contains a pictorial history of pg电子下载 State University. From early classes and sporting events to distinguished alumni and prominent leaders, the images depict a university continually striving to educate, train, and inspire your African Americans. The final chapter offers pictures of pg电子下载ites in love and matrimony.
Logan Wiedenfeld
“The Other Ancient Quarrel: Ulysses and Classical Rhetoric” (Publisher: University of Tulsa/James Joyce Quarterly; Vol. 51, No. 1 (Fall 2013))
“Excess and Economy in ‘Sons and Lovers’” (Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press; Studies in the Novel, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Fall 2016))
“‘Death, Thou Shalt Die!’: Heathers and the culture industry” (Publisher: Film International/Intellect; Volume 13, Issue 2 (
“The Other Ancient Quarrel: Ulysses and Classical Rhetoric”
Although it is a commonplace among Joyceans that the “Aeolus” episode in Ulysses is concerned with classical rhetoric, the degree and manner of the concern has not been well understood. This essay addresses both, arguing first that, besides the often-mentioned attention to rhetorical figures, the episode as a whole mirrors formally—and thus parodies—classical treatises on rhetoric like Cicero’s De Oratore and Plato’s Phaedrus and, second, that, with “Scylla and Charybdis,” “Aeolus” constitutes yet another entry in the ancient debate between the philosophers and the sophists. Unlike its classical forebears, however, Ulysses offers no easy answers to the problem of rhetoric, underscoring its dangers in “Aeolus” and its aesthetic potential in “Scylla and Charybdis.”
“Excess and Economy in ‘Sons and Lovers’”
This paper considers aspects of D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers that seem to strain the novel’s narrative economy, aspects, in other words, which seem unnecessary to the Bildung plot of the protagonist, Paul Morel. These moments of “excess”—many of which concern a relationality that consistently outstrips Paul’s narrative centrality—work to undermine the very notion of autonomous selfhood upon which the novel’s narrative mechanics are erected. Through analyses of the multifocal part one and the precarious “space” of Walter Morel, I suggest that Lawrence’s modernist Bildungsroman gestures toward an ontology of relatedness—of “being-with”—that consistently resists the tidy generic apparatus of the Victorian Bildungsroman. Lawrence’s early novel thus clears an aesthetic space for later modernist development narratives that are left with the task of refashioning a vital novelistic genre to accommodate a radically different model of selfhood.
“‘Death, Thou Shalt Die!’: Heathers and the culture industry”
This article examines the double bind in which _Heathers_ (1989), a subversive dark teen comedy, finds itself when it attempts to critique a genre and the culture that generated it while abiding, albeit uncomfortably, by the same conventions of the genre it indicts. More broadly speaking, this article argues that emancipatory art must wrestle with and, more troublingly, within the same material conditions that gave rise to the oppression it seeks to overcome.
Heather Bailey
“Thou Shalt be Dido’s Son:” Surrogate Motherhood in Christopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage (Publisher: Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies; Volume 20, Number 1, Winter 2020)
This essay focuses on the interactions between Dido and Cupid in Christopher Marlowe’s Dido, Queen of Carthage. Unlike his source material, Marlowe’s play focuses on the way Dido pretends to be the mother of Cupid, constructing herself as a kind of surrogate mother. These interactions reflect the fraught perception of surrogate parenthood in early modern England. Surrogate children were both at increased risk for exploitation even while they were viewed as a potential threat to their adoptive parents. The performance conditions of the play exacerbate this unease since Dido was performed by a group of child actors who were viewed as surrogate children to the theater manager. Like a surrogate child, the boy player was both a commodity to be exploited and a threat because he occupied a liminal space between boyhood and adulthood. Drawing on broader cultural unease concerning surrogate parent-child relationships, Marlowe uses Cupid’s status as surrogate son who is both a sexual plaything and sinister threat to highlight anxieties about the agency of boy players on the cusp of manhood. The discrepancy between Cupid’s boyish appearance and his manipulation of Dido reminds the audience that the actor playing Cupid will also one day possess the full sexual and political agency of an adult.
Sean Daniels
“Drumline Gold” (Publisher: Meridith Music Publications; ISBN: 978-1-57463-529-4)
“Vibraphone Concerti” (Publisher: UMI)
Drumline Gold
Written for drum line instructors, arrangers, and performers at all levels, Drum line Gold reveals the philosophies, lessons, and mindsets of over 20 of the most brilliant, creative, and successful game-changers in the Marching Percussion activity. Top educators in DCI, WGI, PAS, college, and high school share their systems on leading, practicing, rehearsing, listening, cleaning, performing, arranging, competing, auditioning, reading, marching, tuning, recruiting, staffing, and building an excellent culture. There is even a system on self-care and the importance of wearing earplugs, preventing injury, and managing stress.
Vibraphone Concerti
The purpose of this study was to identify the number of published and unpublished vibraphone concertos composed from 1947-2001 to identify the conditions under which vibraphone concertos were written, to identify composers with pertinent information about each composer, to identify a select group of Vibraphone players, to identify commissioned works for Vibraphone Concerti between 1947-2001 and to identify vibraphone concertos that have received reviews by the Percussive Arts Society.
“Inspiration: An Interview With James Latimer (Publisher: Percussive Notes,; Vol.58, No.4, August 2020)
From his first College teaching position at Florida A & M University in 1957 to professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1999, James Latimer has inspired many. This article is an interview with Professor Latimer covering his life, his work as a performer and teacher, and his tremendous influence on hundreds of percussionists around the world.
Erykuah McNeal
“Sisterhood Story: An Anthology of Eta Mu Tau Fictional Stories” (Publisher: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; ASIN: B07482JSCR)
An anthology of a fictitious sorority, Eta Mu Tau, as imagined by fifteen new authors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Bound to inspire the heart and stir the soul, these drama-laced, sassy, amazing, even quiet stories will breed a path to sisterhood love that lies deep. Composed of five stories about college life, five about the graduate experience, and five about leadership journey; the sisterhood journey is brought to life in these fifteen works of fiction. Erykuah McNeal is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and the contributing author of Chapter 5 titled, “Evolution”.
Dexter Wakefield
“The Legacy of the New Farmers of America” (Publisher: Arcadia; ISBN: 978-1-4671-0799-0)
African Americans have contributed greatly to the history of American agriculture. One
of its most compelling stories is the New Farmers of America (NFA), which was a
national organization of Black farm boys studying vocational agriculture in the public
schools throughout 18 states in the eastern and southern United States from 1927 to
1965. The organization was started at the suggestion of Dr. H.O. Sargent, federal agent
for agricultural education for Blacks, who felt the time was ripe for an organization of
Black agricultural students. Operating within the auspices of the “Separate but Equal
Doctrine,” the NFA started at Virginia State University in May 1927 with a few chapters
and members and concluded in 1965 with more than 1,000 chapters and more than
58,000 active members, merging with the Future Farmers of America (FFA) as a result
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Dr. Paul Broome
“Girls Who Don’t Believe” (Publisher: Independent; ISBN: 9781655466595)
Nikki Lowe, a biology teacher and evolutionist finds herself attracted to Cory Thomas, a computer programmer and devout evangelical Christian whom she meets at an end-of-the-year technology conference for science teachers. As the romance progresses, Nikki feels positive that Cory’s religious worldview will not be a barrier to their developing relationship. When he invites her to serve as a nature counselor at a Christian girl’s summer camp, she happily agrees. Not directly admitting that she does not adhere to a faith-based belief, forces Nikki to confront her own convictions as a botanist who rejects the tenets of Christianity but still maintains a strong spiritual connection with nature. She finds herself drawn to the natural beauty of Silverbridge as well as the young girls who want to know more about the world around them, but friendship comes with a cost. Nikki’s small acts of deception ripple into tiny waves of overlapping complications. Those waves grow and swell into swirling storms of confrontation. When unexpectedly, she and the whole population of Silverbridge are swept up in a deadly tsunami of violence. GIRLS WHO DON’T BELIEVE is a riveting story of a young woman’s journey toward endearing love for the mother she had lost, for friends she had found, and for herself, the woman she finally comes to know.
Adena Williams Loston
The Ark of My Leadership Experiences (Christian Faith Publishing, ISBN 978-1-64349-519-4)
The Ark of My Leadership Experiences is a summary of seminal professional experiences in my leadership journey shared for others currently on a similar journey or may someday be on an aspirational journey to become a CEO/servant leader. Being in environments without the benefit of colleagues who held the same position and looked like me, my network became a membership of two-me and Jesus Christ. My strength, courage, encouragement, anointing has come from taking comfort in Him who I believe catapulted me to every position I have held. Every elevation came from His providential intervention. So, I reference my experience through this leadership Ark. The Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments, laws given to Moses by God. The Ark of My Leadership Experiences are anchored through a cloud of witnesses that traveled before me!
Leadership – No leader should go it alone.
Discernment – The still, small quiet voice still leads and guides us if we be still.
Endurance – He gives us momentum for the journey.
Melerson Dunham
“Centennial History of pg电子下载 A. & M. College” (Publisher: University and College Press of Mississippi; ISBN: 87805-004-3)
Mrs. Dunham presents a detailed history of pg电子下载 A. & M. College from the Hiram Revels administration (1871-1882) to the Walter Washington administration (1969-1994). The highly informative appendices present little-known information about institutional budgets, construction, athletics records, and commemorative programs.
Sydney Molaré
“I Want It Now” (Publisher: Kensington; ISBN: 0758238967)
She has everything but the husband, so Dina does what any red-blooded modern woman would do – she mail orders a gorgeous stranger to call her own. Hard-bodied and over six feet tall, Dubois knows just how to use his hands and mouth to keep Dina moaning for more…If sex is a game, Chaz and Elena are master players. Nothing is taboo, they can live out any fantasy they desire, anytime, anywhere – as long as they do it with each other…Topaz is ready for some one-on-one action. The problem is, how to choose between her three husbands? There’s only one way to narrow it down: put each man’s talents to the test, one scorching lovemaking session at a time…
Debarshi Roy
“Multi-Component Redox System for Selective and Potent Antineoplastic Activity Towards Ovarian Cancer Cells”
(Publisher: ScienceDirect/Elsevier;, Volume 592, February 12, 2022)
Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer which rarely causes symptoms, and goes undetected until reaching the advanced stage of drug-resistant metastases. The cationic porphyrin meso-tetra(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphine (TMPyP) is a well-known photosensitizer (PS) used in photodyamic therapy (PDT) for curing cancer due to its strong affinity for DNA and high yield of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon light activation. The practicality to irradiate tumor cells alone in the physiological system being slim (due to the close proximity of healthy cells and tumors), we looked for a variation in the PDT using a mixture of TMPyP with 1,5-dihydroxynapthalene (DHN) and Fe(III) ions at a mole ratio of 1:20:17 (drug combo) respectively in aqueous solution. The drug combo needs no photoactivation in H2O2 rich environment (mimicking the microenvironment of cancer/tumor), where it generates ȮH and juglone, the latter being a known potent anticancer agent. In vitro studies of the drug combo in drug resistant and sensitive ovarian cancer cell lines showed drastic growth inhibition and cell death compared to normal epithelial cells. The drug combo provides an effective and non-invasive alternative to conventional PDT, exploiting the cytosolic carcinogenic H2O2 to produce an efficient anticancer treatment. The unique action of cancer-specific cytotoxicity arises from the redox chemistry involving activation of Fe(III) as the oxidizing agent to generate juglone, which utilizes the cytosolic ROS in cancer cells against itself.
Yulonda Eadie Sano
“Brilliant…Black Pilgrim, Proud Pioneer: Edith Irby Jones and the Integration of the University of Arkansas School of Medicine” (Publisher: The University of Georgia Press; ISBN: 978-0-8203-5333-3)
My article “Brilliant…Black Pilgrim, Proud Pioneer: Edith Irby Jones and the Integration of the University of Arkansas School of Medicine,” appears in the edited volume, Arkansas Women: Their Lives and Times. The article focuses on the experiences of Arkansas native Dr. Edith Irby Jones, a former president of the National Medical Association, who was the first black student to attend the University of Arkansas School of Medicine in 1948.
John Plump
“Pushing for Proficiency: The Teacher’s Instructional Highway” (Publisher: Dr. John Plump; ISBN 978-0-578-86851-6)
“Pushing for Proficiency: The Teacher’s Instructional Highway” takes a strategic look at how teachers process the many aspects of teaching and learning. In this book, the author provides a rationale for how and why specific details need to be a component of every teacher’s instructional toolbox. With a system of implementation in place, teachers are situated to tackle the challenge of preparing lesson plans, manipulating data, perfecting the parameters of pedagogy, and setting a climate of excellence. This guide is a definite read for anyone with a deep conviction for education and serves as a blueprint for any teacher (novice, experienced, stellar) who establishes the goal of proficiency as their most supreme purpose.
Gwendolyn Boyd
“Finding Love In The Midst of Pain” (Publisher: Xlibris)
“Finding Love In The Midst of Pain” was written at a time during loneliness and isolation. A medical diagnosis set the stage because of a disease which had no cure, and constraints which invoked medication for the rest of my life. Solace and hope came in the form of writing this literary piece.
Joedy Barnes
“Family Reunion” (Publisher: Malcom Explains; ISBN: 9781959101994)

Creating the Image You Wish the World to See
Malcom, Ebony, Dad, Mom and Sword embark upon a once in a decade family reunion event. Malcom learns about the rich history of his family, the importance of not talking across the spades table, the legacies of Black Greek Letter Organizations, and so much more, all while attempting to find his “twin” cousin, Malcolm.
Join Malcom as he progresses through the multiple chapters of his family and enjoy the 1st Chapter Book in the Series – Malcom Explains – Family Reunion.
Willye Bryan
“Memoirs of Black Entomologists: Reflections on Childhood, University, and Career Experiences” (Publisher:
Entomological Society of America, Annapolis, MD, Thomas Say Publications in Entomology; ISBN: 978-0-9776209-9-9)
This book provides a glimpse into the lives of black entomologists. The term “black” refers collectively to people of color with origins on the African continent. Thus, African Americans and others of the African diaspora represent the people highlighted in this book. As you may know, historically, blacks and other “people of color” seldom choose careers in the natural or life sciences, including entomology, for reasons that are not completely understood. For example, blacks represented just 2% of the membership of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) in December 2012. Moreover, most universities, with departments that offer doctoral programs in entomology have no black students, post-doctorates, or faculty on their rosters (WWB and EWR, unpublished survey data). We believe this pattern of low representation of blacks in the entomology profession in North America can change. Because of the dearth of blacks in the natural sciences, the objectives of this book are (1) to stimulate more interest in entomology as a viable profession for the undecided student and (2) to become a useful reference work to help high school, college, and university administrators recruit and retain students and faculty. In the first section of this book, we provide a tribute to the life and career of Dr. Charles H. Turner, most likely the first black professional entomologist in North America. In the second section, we provide memoirs of representative, living black entomologists. The third section provides contact information.
Douglas Bender
“The ABCs of Leadership: The Simple Elegance of Getting to the Top… and What It Takes to Stay There” (Publisher: Douglas Bender; ISBN: 978-0979759611)
With over thirty years of experience coaching and acting as an internal consultant for leaders of some of America’s most respected companies, Doug Bender distills his observations and the endless research in leadership into simple and practical terms that can be used to develop great results.
“Doug Bender brings a dynamic mix of executive HR skills and a strategic headset to the work that he does. Doug also brings a much needed ability to partner to get the right combination of people and knowledge in the room to develop innovative and practical solutions with his clients.” Erin Hirsch, Senior HR Executive.
“Doug is a vanguard in his field because of his attention to detail, passion for people, and professionalism. Mr. Bender is an excellent resource… for organizations who cares about their human capital.” Kei Dillard, President & CEO Cynosure Management Solutions, Inc.
“Caution: Smiles At Work” (Publisher: Lulu; ISBN: 9781304828415)
Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses. “Caution: Smiles At Work” is a wonderful break in the action when the world of work becomes just a little bit too much. It’s a thirty second respite from the worries of the day or just a quick reference guide when you’re trying to find a good story to begin a presentation. It’s also a warm smile when your best friend isn’t around to cheer you up. You’re going to love this wonderful collection of stories and anecdotes that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud or just quietly ponder life’s best moments. But I caution you, you might have too much fun. Who says there’s no room for humor at work?
Kelvin Carter
“Proper Thought Management for Athletes” (Publisher: LULU Publisher; ASIN: B005D3QIGO)
Proper Thought Management (PTM) for Athletes by Kelvin Carter is a motivational book written to guide athletes into the realm of limitless possibilities within a growth mindset. PTM for Athletes leverages the athletes’ hunger for attainment on the athletic platform as the catalyst for the same energy devoted to developing a growth mindset mentality in preparation for their career beyond their chosen sport.
Ola Clark
“’Fune Etiquette: Black Funeral Behavior” (Publisher: Turning The Page Publishing; ISBN: 9798842004829)
Have you ever wondered why black funerals can be so devastating but yet so comical? I’m here to shed light on the answers you’ve been in the dark about. This book is guaranteed to make you look at black funerals in a different way and to give you a good chuckle.
Bernice Coffey
“Come Unto Me: An Overview of the Bible in Poetry” (Publisher: Lumen-us Publications; ISBN: 159163365X)
“Come Unto Me . . .” is a book of poetry that gives an overview of each book of the Bible. It was written to give children, new converts, and families an easy and fun way to learn the truths presented in the Bible. The author of “Come Unto Me. . .” has cleverly written simple four- line poems that highlight the most important events in each book of the Bible. Each short poem is followed by an important verse taken from that particular book. These quotes will help the reader to memorize verses in relationship to the stories presented in the Bible. This book is intended to give just enough information to encourage questions about the events and stories presented. It may encourage parents to study more so they will be able to answer the questions their children may ask.
J. Janice Coleman
“Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs: Reflections on the B. B. King Blues Cotton Sack” (Publisher: Mississippi Folklife Magazine –Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs: Reflections on the B. B. King Blues Cotton Sack | Mississippi Folklife)
Though years apart and miles apart, B. B. King and I were born and raised in the same region of the Mississippi Delta—the reason that I was inspired to pay tribute to him through the medium of a cotton sack, which I began making on the day that he died in May of 2015. I relied on three quilt patterns to help me narrate the story of King’s rise from rags to riches: the pinwheel, the log cabin, and the nine-patch. For example, the log cabin is akin to the shanty-styled housing that King would have lived in when he was a boy, and the pinwheel speaks of his ability to keep on turning through the good times and the bad. However, when the quilt cover is turned back, another side of him is revealed, and the reader learns of his role as a civil rights activist: how he used funds from his concerts to get civil rights workers out of jail, how he refused to buy gas for his bus at filling stations if he and his band members could not use the restrooms there, and how, through his lyrics, he spoke out against the barriers to freedom, justice, and equality for African Americans. This article captures all of these ideas—and all because the King and I hail from the sameness of place.
Philondria Credit
“Lonnie Learns a Lesson” (Publisher: Philondria Credit; ISBN: 9798836342388)
Lonnie is a trickster who has one big secret. This secret has caused her to hide behind jokes and taunt her peers and others. One day Lonnie’s secret is revealed. Will this revelation of Lonnie’s secret lead her to be the brunt of her own jokes? Lonnie’s big secret is out and there is no longer any hiding at Epiphany Junior High. Sit and explore this amazing turning point in Lonnie’s life as Lonnie learns a lesson that changes her life forever. Lonnie will never be the same!
Tracy Daniel-Hardy
“How To Encourage Senior Independence” (Publisher: Gulf Coast Woman Magazine – CAREGIVER CORNER: How to encourage senior independence – and why it’s important – Gulf Coast Woman Magazine (
“In Caregiving Love Trumps All” (Publisher: Gulf Coast Woman Magazine – You searched for In caregiving love trumps all – Gulf Coast Woman Magazine (
“Overcoming Caregiver Anxiety, Guilt, & Fear” (Publisher: Gulf Coast Woman Magazine – You searched for Overcoming caregiver anxiety, guilt, and fear – Gulf Coast Woman Magazine (
“Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First” (Publisher: Gulf Coast Woman Magazine –You searched for Put on your own oxygen mask first – Gulf Coast Woman Magazine (
“Learning to Slow Down And Enjoy The Ride” (Publisher: You searched for Learning to slow down and enjoy the ride – Gulf Coast Woman Magazine (
“The Adventures of Butch and Ruby: Chronicles of a Caregiver” (Publisher: Saturday Scribbles LLC; ISBN-10: 0578328348, ISBN-13: 978-0578328348)
This book details a year in the life of a caregiver. The ebb and flow in this memoir detail the struggles of Tracy, a primary caregiver, through transparent and entertaining anecdotes. The stories included may make you cry but will certainly make you laugh. The stories may help those beginning their caregiver’s journey and may also offer healing and resolve to those who have completed their journey. Each story includes helpful tips generated from Tracy’s reflections of her challenges as a caregiver.
“Just Another Day”, (Chapter in “Everyday Struggle: How Toxic Workspaces Impact Black Women” by Carey Yazeed; Publisher: Shero Books: ISBN-10: 0985031662, ISBN-13: 78-0985031664)
The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. From a looming pay gap that doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon, to dealing with micro aggressions, blatant harassment and racism, black women in America endure a lot just to make a living in this country. This anthology shares the toxic work stories of thirteen black women trying to navigate and survive the nine to five rat race in America.
“Know Your Place”, (Chapter in “Shut’em Down: Black Women, Racism, and Corporate America” by Carey Yazeed; Publisher: Shero Books; ISBN-10: 0985031646, ISBN-13: 978-0985031640)
Elvis Epps
“New Principal, No Problem: How to Lead a Winning Culture Without Losing Your Mind” (Publisher: AlvePro Publishing; ISBN 9798847707114)
Everything rises and falls on leadership. School leaders across the nation are overwhelmed and stressed with the increased demands of leading a school. Dr. Epps provides practical leadership strategies to help any leader succeed. He takes readers on a journey to help to understand how to best care for themselves and their staff. Establish who you are and how you will lead are key factors for today’s school leaders.
Breanna Fulton
“A is for pg电子下载 Alphabet Book” (Publisher: KDP; ASIN: B089553KYZ)
Did you attend pg电子下载 State University or know someone who attended? If so, you know the love that pg电子下载ites have for “The Yard”! As a result, Breanna Fulton’s debut children’s book gives your child a learning experience rooted in the joys of an HBCU experience at pg电子下载. This fun ABC book utilizes elements of rhyme and vivid artistry to showcase the history and memories that pg电子下载 has to offer.
Doris Funches
“Echoes From The Bayou” (Publisher: Xlibris; ISBN-10: 1450033709)
My book, “Echoes From The Bayou”, is filled with words that filled my soul as I recuperated from colon cancer. These words form the poems on various topics. The topics range from the most mundane to the most ethereal. The writing of this book of poetry was therapeutic in helping to dispel many doubts and fears that often overwhelmed me during trying times in my life. My book serves as a reminder to keep going, never give up, and for us be all that we were born to be!
Vera Hall
“Ten Proverbs Singles Should Know Before Marriage: The Real Truth about Singleness and Marriage and What the Church Will Not Tell You” (Publisher: WestBow Press; ISBN: 978-1-4908-7544-6)
“Ten Proverbs. . .” is a transparent and biblical approach to dealing with everyday propositions, healthy and unhealthy relationships, marriage, and divorce.
Angela Hamberlin
“See What the End Will Be” (Publisher: Angela Hamberlin; ISBN: 9798569320493

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“See What the End Will Be” is a coming of age story that follows Lavern Hamberlin as he grew up in the Jim Crow era of Fayette, Mississippi. Written by his daughter, this memoir is not only a reflection of the unjust nature of the segregated South, but a tribute to the legacy of family, community, and faith.
Adolph Holbrook
31 Days Of Wisdom For A Lifetime (Publisher: DOCU Copies; ISBN-13: 978-168524105-6)
This little book took me 35 years to develop. As a young person I made so many foolish choices. I had a desire to want to get wisdom. The Bible told me if I wanted wisdom ask God and He would give it to us. I was studying the word of God daily, but it did not seem to come. One day about 37 years ago a young minister just out of college gave his ice breaker. He mentions that when he was a teenager his pastor required that they study the Proverbs daily. They were to start on the first day of the month read Proverbs chapter 1, the second day read chapter 2 and so on to end of the month. Doing every day for a year takes you through Proverbs twelve times and greatly increase your wisdom. After I did this for a year, I evaluated myself. A voice spoke to me and said, “You are no wiser than you were when you started. You just wasted your time.” I said, “That’s just the voice of the devil. I’m going to do it again.” I heard that same voice every year for 35 years, then I realized that I really had been feeding my mind the wisdom of God. I could write a book about it. What a difference it would make if our young people would do this for 10 years of their young life. It just might stop some of this killing we’re witnessing today. Feeding your mind is like feeding your body. Feed it good and it will be good. Feed it trash it will be trash.
Jana Holmes-Moore
“Familiar Foe” (Publisher: Jana Holmes-Moore; ISBN: 979-8-5678-6341-1
Jaeda St. Claire seems to have it going on. She owns her own successful private practice and has natural beauty that turns heads. All that is missing is a companion. When Ian comes along, Jaeda’s world is turned upside down. Her once quiet and organized life becomes filled with love, followed by turmoil. Jaeda spends her days helping clients sort the chaos in their lives, but will she be able to do the same for herself before she loses everything?
Franklin D. Jackson
“Prayers That Move Almighty God To Action: Prayers Of Jesus And Humans” (Publisher: Franklin D. Jackson; ISBN: 1647493234)
The purpose of this book is to help the reader strengthen and/or develop confidence in the efficacy of prayer. It provides strong evidence that God really answers prayers, and assures the reader that God wants us to make requests of Him so that Jesus can answer and glorify God-His Father. The book reassures the reader that prayer is the most important communication tool that Jesus left His followers to communicate with Him. It addresses the awesome power of prayer.
The book includes prayers from the Old and New Testaments for which the manifestation of God’s answers was immediately known-evident to those praying. The book includes times when the author’s prayers moved God to action! The book provides insights on why prayers fail, seemingly unanswered prayers, when God answered no, and when God simply ignores prayers. It provides insights on how the reader can ensure that God hears and answers prayers. The author was inspired to write this reader friendly book on prayers and praying for the reader who might not be a theologian or Bible scholar. It is easy to comprehend and follow. The table of contents lists the topics covered in the book, which makes it convenient for the reader to easily find topics of interest at any given time. The reader will want to keep this precious book next to his or her Bible. My prayer is that this book will be a tremendous blessing to you and to all with whom you share and/or discuss it. Blessings!
“Becoming A Joy-Fulfilled Christian in the Twenty-First Century and Beyond: The Privileges, Benefits, and Responsibilities of a Joy-Fulfilled Christian” (Publisher: Franklin D. Jackson; ISBN 1973673304)
This little book is about to set you on fire with Jesus’ joy fulfilled in you, and the peace which Jesus leaves for you. You will appreciate that membership–your membership in the body of Christ- has privileges, benefits, and responsibilities for you right now while you are on earth, and you will access them. The book shows you how to activate empowerment by the Holy Spirit, how to enjoy a little heaven right here on earth, and how to achieve the highest attainment possible while on earth. You will live a joy fulfilled life and peaceful life, and spread joy in a world that needs more joy. You will find the book conversational and reader friendly. It converses directly with you. I am excited for your journey of becoming a Joy Fulfilled Christian.
“When God Says No: Listen for The Yes” (Publisher: Balboa Press; ISBN: 1982231688)
The ‘little’ book is out of love and through the inspiration of God to assist readers overcome obstacles and roadblocks to achieve God’s plan for the reader. It will assist the reader (you) in learning about, listening to, and responding to God’s still small voice in the reader. The book provides numerous examples of when God said no in the Bible, followed by a great yes. It also provides examples of when God said no to the author, followed by a great yes. You will start listening to God more closely and receive the blessings which God has for you. The book is sure to be a blessing to you and to those with whom you generously share it. The book is reader friendly. It is not about theology or philosophy. It is inspirational, faith instilling, and trust building. Please share it and be the conduit of great blessings to others! Blessings!
“THE MAN WITH A COUNTRY: Protecting, Preserving, and Improving the United States.” (Publisher: Franklin Jackson; ISBN13: 978195930343)
This book encourages, in fact, urges Americans-by-Choice and all Democratic loving Americans to do all they can to protect, preserve, and improve the United States and her fragile Democracy. The book emphasizes the point that Americans-by-Choice have a great lot to lose if the United States is moved in the wrong direction causing these Democratic loving people to lose their home-country, the United States—and become like “The Man Without a Country”. The book includes illustrations of ‘ordinary’ Democratic loving people in the United States standing up and strategizing to protect, preserve, and improve United State and her Democracy. The book is reader friendly and will inspire the reader to do his or her part in protecting Democracy in the United States. The book encourages the reader to vote for the Political Party that best supports and advocates for the Democracy in the United States in words and deeds.
D’Maarius Jones
“22 Blessings” (Publisher: D’Marius Jones; ISBN: 978-1-938819-98-8; SKU: 364215376135191)
“22 Blessings” documents the early struggles of D’Marius Jones, a young man from Jackson, Mississippi who has gone through more than many could ever think of. Depression, anxiety, and an inability to communicate led Jones to a path of self-destruction. Jones’ life is a chronical of being raised by single mother, growing up in a violent capital city, being involved in committing crimes, and going to jail. The apex of that life was being shot 22 times!! After recovering from being shot, while serving his prison sentence Jones was inspired to write this book. The experiences he has survived fueled his sense purpose. His inspirational story has already inspired thousands, as this book empowers and encourages at risk youth. Moreover, the book sheds light on mental health issues, and most importantly, provides uplift to all of those who fight silent battles each and every single day!
Duvalier Malone
“Those Who Give A Damn: A Manual for Making a Difference” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN 13: 978-1986148306)
Those Who Give A Damn: A Manual for Making a Difference is about how a small-town boy dreamed of changing his fate. You may know his story, but do you understand his struggle? Those Who Give A Damn is a story of struggle, adversity and the will to succeed. Duvalier Malone details how he overcame tragedy in the best way possible: in the service of his fellow man and woman. He offers a manual on how to serve humanity. As a small-town boy who chased his dreams and found the path to manhood that was forged by the footsteps of those who paved the way, Duvalier was blessed with the tools to give back to his community. He now wants to share those tools with others, by showing, through example, how to rise above one’s circumstances and achieve in spite of the hardships and obstacles that lie in one’s way. While agonizing over his own place in the world, Duvalier discovered that his measure was hidden in his own courage, strength, and hope. This moment of achievement is chronicled in the memoir of this community servant who wishes to inspire others the way he was inspired by those who went before him.
“Vote Children, Vote!” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN 13: 979-8985835007)
Vote Children, Vote! is a pre-teen and younger teen novel that introduces voting to young people so that they may understand voting history and why voting is important. It also introduces them to the power of their young voices. It is a story about a young boy named Timothy Rosewater who discovers his voice and takes some risks while learning about his history as an African American and the long struggle for voting rights through his teacher’s lecture. Through this experience, he comes to understand himself and boldly changes his life for the better. The book also helps children to realize that they can exercise the vote in other aspects of life as a child. For example, they can vote for their class officers and use their voices at an early age to encourage their classmates to refrain from bullying and other unhealthy behaviors, and to respect diverse ideas.
LaDonna Marie
“The Journey /The Path: The Way I See It” (Publisher: LaDonna Marie Books, LLC–; ISBN: 1637523696)
“The Journey/ The Path” is a collection of defining moments in the author’s life. Throughout her journey, the author learned of the attributes of God. This profound revelation shifted her mindset, birthed strength, and enhanced her relationship with God. This book sets out to assist others to find the beauty in growth, to embrace divine healing, and to move forward under the tutorship of God’s divine plan.
Glenda McBride
“Poems that Bleed” (Publisher: Glenda B. Frazier; ISBN-13: 989-8737366940)
Originally published by Bush Publishing & Associates February 2, 2016, first volume, and September 6, 2018, second volume, the third volume of “Poems that Bleed” was published May 13, 2021, by the author as a book of poems and short stories. This book is a combination of inspirational words and short stories and quotes written to touch the hearts of everyone who reads it. It represents love, compassion, anger, pain, and the spirit of mankind. The contents of the book are expressions of every emotion and a reflection of the heart. Follow the author on this journey to the things that matter most in life. Family, Friends, Love and Faith. Poems that Bleed takes the reader through the valleys of pain and loss to the joy and blessings that await us on the other side.
Olivia McNeal
“Live Better with A-to-Z” (Publisher: Amazon Self Published; ISBN-13: 978-1723038532)
Olivia McNeal’s Live Better with A-to-Z is the right book for anyone committed to living a healthier life. Live Better with A-to-Z is a nutritional guide purposely designed as an easy read that gets right down to the basics with 26 tips that will supercharge, quench, and power you up. A lifestyle habit to incorporate for essentially every letter of the alphabet. From learning more about A-amino acids to proper intake of P-protein to the benefits of Y-yoga, this book serves as a healthy guide to promote your overall well-being leaving you feeling, looking, and performing better.
Steffanie Miller
“Dear My Love (A to Z)” (Publisher: Palmetto Publishing; ISBN: 978-1-64111-280-2)
“Dear My Love (A to Z)” is a sweet exchange between a child and a loved one. The sing-song rhythm of the story is designed to plant seeds in early learners that will help them understand the way phoneme (letter sounds) work. Children will hear rules of phonemes, see them in use and have the opportunity to apply what is learned while reading. It encourages meaningful conversations between parents and their children about English language.
Latissha Graves Nash
“Enough, The Psalms of Love, Pain and Restoration” (Publisher: Xlibris; ISBN: 9781441536006)
She fell in love and married a younger man. In love; happiness and joy surrounded them until he had an affair. They fought for their marriage not realizing that it wasn’t in her husband’s intention or heart to stay faithful. Instead of leaving after a second affair she stayed, which brought about abuse. What do you do when love hurts? When things are going wrong, God will step in on time.
Daphne Perry
“ABCs of Love” (Publisher: Daphne Perry; ISBN: 9798780986775)
“ABCs of Love” teaches children to honor their families and siblings, to imagine and to share. The story follows Zora as she relates to the alphabet through her family, home and the world around her, exploring each concept with her little brother Amos. “ABCs of Love” is a quick, simple and easy to read alphabet book with colorful pictures that stimulate the imagination and engage the youngest reader.
Katina Rankin
“Born to Lead: The Thrilling Success Story of One of the Divine Nine: Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover!” (Publisher: KDP; ASIN: B09C51TMLR)
Born to Lead is the inspirational story of a woman’s journey to not only chase her dreams but conquer them. Follow Dr. Glenda Glover as she takes steps to become the first female president of Tennessee State University, the first sorority president to launch a Mobile Mammography Unit giving women in underserved communities the tools they need to fight breast cancer, and the first to make a documentary shedding light on women’s accomplishments within Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Those are just a few of her many accomplishments to inspire generations of young girls to do as she has, serve her community, and leave the world a better place than she found it. Find out the others by flipping through the pages of her journey.
“Emmett Till: Sometimes Good Can Come Out of A Bad Situation” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN-13: 978-1718692398)
This book is an immersive, thought-provoking story about a family passing on the legacy of the civil rights movement by learning about a 14-year-old boy who was murdered for allegedly whistling at a woman. The author gently but boldly diverges a story from Mississippi’s once racially, hatred-filled atmosphere to create her first in a series of children’s civil rights books set in the Magnolia State. Using her journalistic brilliance, Katina Rankin has created a book that can be used in various ways: in the curriculum, for parents, for conflict resolution or for any opportunity to create a dialogue. With the aid of this book, children can express their feelings about race relations in their communities; and they can identify and address their fears about the climate of racism in America today. Katina Rankin eloquently introduces a whole new generation to Emmett Till and reminds us that in order to move forward we must be honest with our past.
“Kendall’s Kitchen: Healthy and Hearty Recipes For Kids!” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN-13: 9781974652747)
What do you get when you mix a television anchor who writes children’s books with chefs who grow their own food and compete on national cooking stages? A unique children’s cookbook! What makes this cookbook so unique? It’s an actual book with a storyline. To add a twist, it is packed with recipes; and it has a coloring and activity book included inside. It’s the sequel to Katina Rankin’s Up North.
“March On Children! The Story of James Meredith’s March Against Fear” (Publisher: CreateSpace; ISBN-13: 978-1724317070)
March on Children! The Story of James Meredith’s March Against Fear looks at one man’s solo journey to change Mississippi, the South, and the nation. It’s a captivating story, told in fittingly kid-friendly language, which explores being courageous. In March on Children! The Story of James Meredith’s March Against Fear Katina Rankin teaches children that one person can make a difference. The text traces what was supposed to be Meredith’s lone journey on foot from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi. Each page, filled with Meredith’s own words, is based on countless interviews with him. The storytelling provides insight for children on how to be bold and brave.
“Medgar Evers: He Taught His Kids To Crawl So We Could Stand” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN-13: 978-1702574965)
This book looks at moments in time of our history, including the era of legislated racism, and even our current state of politics. It’s a riveting story, told in fittingly kid-friendly language, that explores how power and superiority corrupts everyone: those new to it and those resisting its loss. Katina Rankin teaches children that history’s mistakes can linger if we aren’t willing to stand up and tell the truth, that there will always be abuses of power, unless we jointly take a knee to prove a point, and that the arc of the universe doesn’t bend toward justice unless we’re willing to do the work– even if it includes crawling to get the pendulum of justice to swing toward honesty. Each page is filled with words of its era, pictures and quotes intertwined into the conversational setting of a loving family’s home. The storytelling provides deeper insight for children than some history books. The author supplies an in-depth analysis of civil rights through a family’s dialogue of various aspects of the movement often just glossed over in classroom textbooks. The book also teaches kids that now is always the time to do what’s right.
“The Peace Drum: A Kofi Tale” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBM-13: 978-1791505493)
American children visit West Africa for the first time. When they arrive, they learn about Ghanaian traditions, animals, and food. Perhaps, more importantly, they learn how the beat of a drum can bring peace after meeting former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.
“Up North, Down South: City Folk Meet Country Folk” (Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ISBN-13: 978-1533412348)
Many children anticipate and even long for a summer vacation to an exciting destination that they have never visited. This book takes children on a journey across Mississippi.
Tywanna Robinson
“Essential Practices of Living Abundantly” (Publisher: ISBN; ISBN-13: 978-1649994561)
This book captures a new outlook in embracing practices in to order to live abundantly. Each of us was created to thrive. THRIVE means Transformation, Healing, Restoration, Insight, Visualize, and Exercise your Faith. The book is intended to leave the reader with a better understanding of their innate God-ordained purpose.
Fredricka Sharkey
“Share A Bear” (Publisher: University of Central Arkansas – UCA Magazine SHARE-A-BEAR – UCA Magazine)
The soft, fluffy texture of a teddy bear can soothe and calm children in high-stress situations involving police and their parents. The author highlights the activities surrounding the community drive to collect teddy bears and “share” the bears with local law enforcement agencies.
Rosie Spann-Johnson
“The Tears I Cried” (Publisher: Kingdom Publishing Group, Inc.; ISBN: 0996262938)
This transformative book focuses on real events that have taken place in my life from childhood to adulthood. All of these events have drawn me closer to the Lord. “The Tears I Cried” shares my experiences with death, tragedy, abuse, love, hope, peace and joy. The Tears I Cried will help readers to understand that no matter what they may face in life they can trust God to bring them through it all. Even when you cannot see your way, God sees for you. Even when you cannot find your way, God is the way the truth and the life. He has guided me through every area of my life. God has protected me through the storms of life. “The Tears I Cried” is purposed to encourage you and let you know that God wants to protect you through your storms. God allowed me to see that tears are temporary relief. He allowed me to see that it is okay to cry because one day, God will wipe away all tears from my eyes and He can do the same for.
Eugene Spencer, Jr.
“Mississippi Born/California Bound: How Jim Crow and Racism Lost to a Family Legacy” (Publisher: Sunshine Solutions Publishing; ISBN: 978-1727406450)
This is my life’s story from childhood in Jim Crow Mississippi, to the present where I reside in Gold River, California, after raising a family, practicing dentistry for forty-five years, and serving as a community leader and philanthropist. My story is one of overcoming overwhelming odds in the deep south to become a successful business person and dedicated civil rights activist. I aspire to inspire all people, but particularly people seeking to better themselves in spite of the adversity or challenging life circumstances that they may have to overcome. Education is the best pathway to success and an admissions ticket to life. There are so many opportunities presented to you when you complete your education or choose an in demand vocation. I encourage all to reach for the stars and do the work necessary to reach your goals.
Roshonda Gandy Stuckey
“Different the Way God Made Me” (Publisher: Roshonda Gandy Stuckey; ISBN: 9798848370539)
“Different the Way God Made Me” is a picture filled children’s book that teaches important concepts of purpose and identity among children, according to the Word of God. It will inspire children to read scriptures related to purpose and identity, while learning to share their faith with others. In today’s society, children are faced with so many challenges that can cause them to question their purpose and identity. Through the pages of this book, they will learn just that. Additionally, they will learn how to share Christ with others.
Shimelle Thomas
“Teacher Recruitment Strategies in Critical-Need Districts: Identifying Research-Based Strategies to Improve Teacher Recruitment” (Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic; ISBN: 10 3838354796)
Teachers are one of the essential resources in providing children a quality education. Over the years research confirms that staffing schools with competent teachers is becoming a difficult task for school districts across the United States. The author examines and analyzes the most effective recruitment strategies that enhance critical shortage districts ability to attract and recruit qualified teachers.
Verinda Waters
“If It’s Meant To Be” (Publisher: Verinda Waters; ISBN: 979-8567989128)
Things have always been easy for Mia coming from a very affluent family. She has always been accustomed to getting her way in all things but on the last spring break of her undergraduate college career a change in plans leads to the introduction of two very different guys. Stunned that she has even ventured into this part of town they both become mesmerized by her personality. The two roommates who grew up together are determined to make something good out of their lives. Darius the smooth talker and what some may consider a ladies’ man has aspiration of making it big in the music scene but he’s not your typical music artist, while Tick also has his own aspiration but is seemingly always in Darius’ shadow. They both meet Mia at the same time and what follows is a fight to prove who is the better guy. Darius may seem like the obvious choice but can Mia deal with the change his new lifestyle will bring or will Tick prevail and finally prove the old mantra of nice guys always finish last wrong.
Margaret Williams
“Developing Parenting Skills to Produce Good Habits in Your Child” (Publisher: Yorkshire Publishing; ISBN: 978-1-952320-17-0
My vision was to present a loving, clean, caring, safe, healthy, learning and fun environment for kids (to be a part of); to help parents, especially first-time parents, understand how to parent their children.
Twana Williams
“The Battlefield of the Workplace: A 30-Day Devotional Focused on Departing from One’s Own Will and Obeying God Instead” (Publisher: Twana Williams; ISBN-13: 978-1662822834)
“The Battlefield of the Workplace. . .” is about maintaining a Christian lifestyle by balancing work and faith. It is not about a particular company or job. It is about letting down your guards and trusting God’s Word to lead you on the path to your purpose. It can sometimes become a war between what we think or feel like we should be doing versus God’s plan. This 30-day devotional outlines scriptures in the Bible, followed by journaling that will serve as a guide into the purpose God has for you.
Earnest Young
“Love, Patience and Admiration Heals All Wounds” (Publisher: Xlibris; ISBN: 978-1-5035-8359-7)
This book consists of true events that have taken place in my life’s journey from the 1960s to present day. The eras that have had a profound impact on the way I view the world, began in a time where HBCU culture was experiencing tumultuous times while on the brink of expansion. These moments in history reflected the dependency on moral values and understanding the motivation, confidence, hope and patience.
Margarett Wilson
“Blackberry Memories: The Unforgettable Story of a Little Girl’s Foundation, Faith and Favor That Led Her to a Life of Joy from a World of Poverty” (Publisher: Leeds Press Corp; ISBN: 978-1-68489-414-7)
“Blackberry Memories. . .” is an inspiring true American story of a little Black girl’s remarkable struggle growing up in rural Mississippi during the 1950’s and 60’s. Her story chronicles the numerous challenges of race, gender and classism during this era and beyond, as she combats overwhelming poverty, inhumane hard work, dreadful racism and excruciating bias. “Blackberry Memories. . .” details how the author overcomes these horrific life obstacles stacked against her to ultimately pursue a successful career as a highly respected medical doctor, inventor and businesswoman. This book shows that with a strong foundation, faith and favor anyone can overcome the harrowing life circumstances against unfavorable and unbelievable odds!
ReAnna S. Roby
“#SAYHERNAME: Anchoring Black Feminist Epistemologies at the Crux of Postsecondary STEM Culture” (Publisher: Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, January 2022; ISSN: 1072-8325)
This conceptual paper presents our position on why the field of postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM) should reorient and anchor diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in Black feminist frames. Reviewing the culture of science and Black feminisms, we propose a reimagined space that centers Black women’s ontological experiences and epistemologies as a means to fully embrace and embark on a field that is justice oriented and ultimately benefits all. Through this reimagined perspective of postsecondary STEM, we consider how embracing, emboldening, celebrating, and promoting Black women create opportunities to do the same for everyone else in a truly equitable, inclusive, and diverse fashion
Allison Norman
Allison Norman
“Binge Ethanol Exposure in Mice Represses Expression of Genes Involved in Osteoblast Function and Induces Expression of Genes Involved in Osteoclast Differentiation Independently of Endogenous Catalase” (Publisher: Toxicological Sciences; ISBN: 10.1093/toxsci/kfab135)
Excessive ethanol consumption is a risk factor for osteopenia. Since a previous study showed that transgenic female mice with overexpression of catalase are partially protected from ethanol-mediated trabecular bone loss, we investigated the role of endogenous catalase in skeletal ethanol toxicity comparing catalase knockout to wild-type mice. We hypothesized that catalase depletion would exacerbate ethanol effects. The mice were tested in a newly designed binge ethanol model, in which 12-week-old mice were exposed to 4 consecutive days of gavage with ethanol at 3, 3, 4, and 4.5 g ethanol/kg body weight. Binge ethanol decreased the concentration of serum osteocalcin, a marker of bone formation. The catalase genotype did not affect the osteocalcin levels. RNA sequencing of femoral shaft RNA from males was conducted. Ethanol exposure led to significant downregulation of genes expressed in cells of the osteoblastic lineage with a role in osteoblastic function and collagen synthesis, including the genes encoding major structural bone proteins. Binge ethanol further induced a smaller set of genes with a role in osteoclastic differentiation. Catalase depletion affected genes with expression in erythroblasts and erythrocytes. There was no clear interaction between binge ethanol and the catalase genotype. In an independent experiment, we confirmed that the binge ethanol effects on gene expression were reproducible and occurred throughout the skeleton in males. In conclusion, the binge ethanol exposure, independently of endogenous catalase, reduces expression of genes involved in osteoblastic function and induces expression of genes involved in osteoclast differentiation throughout the skeleton in males.
Jerry Domatob
“Positive Vibrations” (Publisher: PublishAmerica Balltimore; ISBN: 978-1-4560-1644-9)
“Positive Vibrations” is a poetry book that focuses on a wide array of issues that plague people globally. Against the backdrop of positive counsel, the book examines issues of life and death, love and hate, war and peace along with a plethora of other subjects, blending various stylistic devices
Tabitha Hardy
“Epigenetic Modifications by Dietary Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention” (Chapter in Book: “Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Cancer: Dietary Approaches for Cancer Prevention”, Ah-Ng Tony Kong, Editor; Publisher: Taylor and Francis; ISBN: 9781466503717, 1466503718)
In the last two decades, the study of epigenetic modification emerged as one of the major areas of cancer treatment targeted by dietary phytochemicals. Recent studies with various types of cancers revealed that the epigenetic modifications are associated with the food source corresponds to dietary phytochemicals. The dietary phytochemicals have been used in Asian countries for thousands of years to cure several diseases including cancer. They have been reported to modulate the several biological processes including histone modification, DNA methylation and non-coding microRNA expression. These events play a vital role in carcinogenesis. Various studies suggest that a number of dietary compounds present in vegetables, spices and other herbal products have epigenetic targets in cancer cells. Dietary phytochemicals have been reported to repair DNA damage by enhancing histone acetylation that helps to restrain cell death, and also alter DNA methylation. These phytochemicals are able to modulate epigenetic modifications and their targets to cure several cancers. Epigenetic aberrations dynamically contribute to cancer pathogenesis. Given the individualized traits of epigenetic biomarkers, the personalized nutrition will help us to prevent various types of cancer. In this review, we will discuss the effect of dietary phytochemicals on genetic and epigenetic modifications and how these modifications help to prevent various types of cancers and improve health outcomes.
Donzell Lee
Donzell Lee
“A Competitive Edge: Leveraging Research-Practice Partnerships for Impact and Scale”, (Co-Authors: Latara O. Lampkin, Chris Gilmer, Donzell Lee, Ivan Banks, and Tamara Bertrand Jones. Chapter in book: Imagining the Future: Historically Black Colleges and Universities – A Matter of Survival, Publisher: Information Age Publishing ISNB 9;78-1648028519)
The Nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are more culturally revered today than ever. As public health and socioeconomic inequity gaps continue to widen between the African American community and other racial groups, the HBCUs embody a shared support system. Since the 1800s, this body of prestigious higher education institutions have represented trusted pathways for the advancement of our community.
With these historical accomplishments in mind, it is crucial for HBCUs and their leadership to create a vision for generations to come. Visionary leadership is a must for our storied institutions to advance beyond just surviving into fully thriving. As such, our book project, Imagining the Future: Historically Black Colleges and Universities – A Matter of Survival, offers cutting edge ideas, suggestions and advice from HBCU alumni, proponents, faculty leaders, and researchers for HBCU leadership to cultivate success today and into the foreseeable future.
Imagining the Future: Historically Black Colleges and Universities – A Matter of Survival promises timely, relevant and emergent scholarship as well as perspectives for HBCU leadership, HBCU scholars and HBCU supporters.
Kafond Wilder
“An Impact Analysis of Education Funding on Academic Achievement Amongst Mississippi Students” (Publisher: ProQuest; ISBN: 28317681)
Academic achievement pertains to student academic performance and the level of education someone has successfully completed. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact education funding has on academic achievement amongst students in Mississippi. Poor academic achievement is a chronic problem in the United States. Although the United States high school graduation rate has been improving since 2011, there remains a significant challenge in meeting the presidential 90.0% goal by 2020. This empirical study used an explanatory case analysis quantitative design to address issues associated with policy barriers, the distribution of educational funds, high school graduation rate, failing school systems, poor test results, and outdated resources. This research seeks to understand if there is a correlation between education funding contributions and academic achievement and its impact on educational performance within urban and rural high schools in Mississippi.
Tawana Williams
“The Battlefield of the Workplace: A 30-Day Devotional Focused on Departing from One’s Own Will and Obeying God Instead” (Publisher: Tawana Williams; ISBN-13: 978-1662822834)
“The Battlefield of the Workplace. . .” is about maintaining a Christian lifestyle by balancing work and faith. It is not about a particular company or job. It is about letting down your guards and trusting God’s Word to lead you on the path to your purpose. It can sometimes become a war between what we think or feel like we should be doing versus God’s plan. This 30-day devotional outlines scriptures in the Bible, followed by journaling that will serve as a guide into the purpose God has for you.
Lillian Brady
“Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) enhances cocaine effects in the nucleus accumbens via a dopamine release-based mechanism” (Publisher: Lillian J Brady; ISBN Number: doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05967-9)

Post Doctoral portraits
Vanderbilt University
Photo: Anne Rayner
Cocaine use disorder is associated with alterations in immune function including altered expression of multiple peripheral cytokines in humans-several of which correlate with drug use. Individuals suffering from cocaine use disorder show altered immune system responses to drug-associated cues, highlighting the interaction between the brain and immune system as a critical factor in the development and expression of cocaine use disorder. We have previously demonstrated in animal models that cocaine use upregulates the expression of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-a pleiotropic cytokine-in the serum and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). G-CSF signaling has been causally linked to behavioral responses to cocaine across multiple behavioral domains. The goal of this study was to define whether increases in G-CSF alter the pharmacodynamic effects of cocaine on the dopamine system and whether this occurs via direct mechanisms within local NAc microcircuits. We find that systemic G-CSF injection increases cocaine effects on dopamine terminals. The enhanced dopamine levels in the presence of cocaine occur through a release-based mechanism, rather than through effects on the dopamine transporter-as uptake rates were unchanged following G-CSF treatment. Critically, this effect could be recapitulated by acute bath application of G-CSF to dopamine terminals, an effect that was occluded by prior G-CSF treatment, suggesting a similar mechanistic basis for direct and systemic exposures. This work highlights the critical interaction between the immune system and psychostimulant effects that can alter drug responses and may play a role in vulnerability to cocaine use disorder.
Jamey Jenkins
“Hello Black Man” (Publisher: KDP; ISBN Number: 978-1702816847)
“Hello Black Man” is a guided journal that has been created as a tool to bridge the gap of communication needs. Sometimes writing is more effective and less stressful than talking. This guided journal will help young and old men alike define their character and discover things on which they need to work.
Transparency and communication are the tools of peace against worry and stress. Journaling helps to aide in sleep, joy, creativity, and good decisions. Those things both positive and negative that are ingrained into your mind, can push you forward or hold you back. This journal will teach you how to express your thoughts and ideas through writing.
Melanie McReynolds
“NAD+ flux is maintained in aged mice despite lower tissue concentrations” (Published in Cell Systems; Publisher: Cell Press; ISBN Number: PMCID: PMC8678178)
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential coenzyme in redox reactions and co-substrate for signaling enzymes. NAD+ depletion causes multiple defects including mitochondrial dysfunction, dysregulated nutrient sensing, and epigenetic alterations, which are classic hallmarks of aging. Although age-related NAD+ decline has been documented in numerous studies, there is no clear consensus as to the underlying causes, or even whether the primary driver is increased consumption or impaired synthesis. To this end, I employed isotope-labeled NAD+ precursors, mass spectrometry, and quantitative modeling in aged mice to quantitate NAD+ flux. NAD+ synthesis and turnover rates do not decline significantly – instead, aged tissues with lower NAD+ concentrations generally have correspondingly faster fractional turnover such that total flux is preserved. The most direct interpretation of my postdoctoral work is that age-related declines in NAD+ are not the result of insufficient synthetic capacity or precursor availability, since the rate of new synthesis is unchanged. Instead, it appears that the activity of one or more NAD+ consumers increase, such that the steady-state concentration falls until consumption flux is brought back in balance with production flux. This work suggests that in most tissues, increased consumption is the primary driver of the declines in steady-state NAD+ concentrations that occur with age. In contrast, life-long caloric restriction, which extends lifespan, increases NAD+ concentrations in liver, adipose and bone while curtailing NAD+ turnover across majority of tissues. Thus, this study demonstrates that aging and caloric restriction have opposing effects on NAD+ consumption.
Linda Holloway
“I Love My Happy Hair” (Publisher: Linda J Holloway; ISBN: 978-1097368408; 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention; 2021 New York City Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite)
Little Miss Linda is an African American girl who is caught in between two worlds- the one in her head and the world outside of her mind. She is struggling to accept her hair texture. She overhears comments about her hair from those in her community. The comments are hurtful and describe her hair as “ugly,” “uncontrollable,” and “unappreciated.” Little Miss Linda’s mother is extremely instrumental in creating a safe environment, which allows Little Miss Linda to grow to appreciate, celebrate, and cherish her hair. Little Miss Linda’s hair journey to accept her hair is contagious and she is able to get those around her to appreciate their hair too. This book is designed to enable young children, especially Black children, to feel positive and accept their beautiful hair. It promotes positive hair-esteem, self-love, and encourages all children to accept the beautiful texture of their hair and dispel hair bullying. Please join “Little Miss Linda’s” global campaign against hair bullying by purchasing this book and signing the pledge!.
“Little Miss Linda Goes To Counseling” (Publisher: Linda J Holloway; ISBN: 978-1694125842; 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention; 2021 New York City Big Book Award; 2022 Independent Press Award)
Little Miss Linda Goes To Counseling” is a story written and illustrated to create an opportunity for children to begin having healthy conversations about counseling. In the African-American community, counseling is seldom discussed or described in a way that portrays counseling in a positive matter. As a result, children are not aware of what counseling is or how it can help them to speak with a school counselor or other professionals about problems they have. Many children remain silent about their emotions because they may not feel safe talking about their feelings with others. This book is an opportunity to create a safe space for children to begin to talk about their emotions and know that it is okay to ask for help and seek counseling.
“Little Miss Linda Speaks Out About Sickle Cell Disease” (Publisher: Linda J Holloway; ISBN: 979-8637308651; 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention; 2022 Eric Hoffer Book Award Finalist; 2020 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award)
Sickle Cell Disease is one of the least talked about illnesses that impacts the lives of many black and brown people disproportionately. This story is designed to sound the alarm and to get young children to understand that they can be a voice for people who suffer from this disease. Little Miss Linda teaches children to become aware and gain sensitivity about the impact Sickle Cell Disease has on a person. Specifically, Little Miss Linda discovers her best friend Sally has Sickle Cell Disease when she becomes sick one day at school. Little Miss Linda feels helpless and afraid for her best friend and begins to think of what she could do to help. Thus, she decides to help her best friend Sally and other children who suffer from this dreaded disease by creating an awareness campaign at her school to inform her peers about Sickle Cell Disease.
“Little Miss Linda Speaks About Rape” (Publisher: Linda J Holloway; ISBN: 979-8578026355; )2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention
Rape is an extremely difficult topic to discuss with young children; however, it is a necessary conversation we must have. This book allows parents, teachers, counselors, administrators and those who work with children to create a responsible and safe space to talk about rape. The “Me Too Movement” is not just about adults but it is a conversation for children too. Statistics have shown that every nine minutes 1 in 9 girls and 1 and 53 boys will be sexually assaulted. We can no longer wait! The time is now to have this conversation. Little Miss Linda, as a rape survivor, learns to use her voice to express thoughts about rape, but not from feeling, out of “shame or guilt.” Instead, she develops a letter writing campaign to let other children know that rape is not the victim’s fault. Little Miss Linda creates a community outreach program called “STAR” (Survivors Talking About Rape). She encourages other to not sit still but lift up their voices and be silent no more. Join the campaign against rape so we can “STAR” together. Please be advised that this book is best suited for those ages 12+. It contains themes around sexual assault/violence. This book may also provoke psychological distress; thus, ensure that the proper resources and contacts are available should they be necessary.
“Little Miss Linda Speaks Out About Diversity” (Publisher: Linda J Holloway; ISBN: 979-8762242639; 2022 Moonbeam Award- Multicultural; 2022 New York Big Book Distinguished Favorite; 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention)
We live in a society that is extremely diverse, and we must find ways to treat each other with love and respect despite our differences. Little Miss Linda is a dark-skinned girl who has been treated cruelly because of the color of her skin. Her father is in the military, so she has had the privilege of living in various places around the world including Japan, Korea, Philippines, Alaska, and Germany. Often, she and her siblings would be the only African American children in their classes. Little Miss Linda was full of excitement when her father told the family he was retiring and moving to Mississippi. She thought that the mean words about her dark skin would stop. She imagined her family would be surrounded by people who were like her, but to her surprise, she continued to be teased and taunted about the complexion of her skin. This book illustrates how Little Miss Linda was able to turn a negative situation into a positive one. She did this through teaching her class, school, and community the power of appreciating and celebrating people regardless of their skin color.
The power and effectiveness of Little Miss Linda’s diversity story is made practical by the “Skittles Story.” Yes, if only Skittles could talk right? They do in this book! Through this elementary story all children can relate to the simple truth that people are more alike than they are different and diversity is to be celebrated.